- Avenues for Justice
- $15,000 for General Support
- Brooklyn Workforce Innovations
- $15,000 for General Support
- Columbia University Irving Medical Center
- $20,000 for Center for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Clinical Coordinator
- Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen
- $15,000 for General Support
- Hot Bread Kitchen
- $10,000 for General Support
- Jericho Project
- $15,000 for Workforce Opportunities Program
- New York Common Pantry
- $20,000 for General Support
- Planned Parenthood of NYC
- $10,000 for Clinical Services/Project Street Beat
- St. John’s Bread and Life
- $15,000 for General Support
- Chances for Children
- $15,000 for General Support
- Children’s Health Fund
- $15,000 for New York Children’s Health Project
- Her Justice
- $20,000 for General Support
- New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG)
- $20,000 for Immigrant Protection Unit